Changes to the Auto Renewal Process

At NHS Professionals we are constantly looking at ways to improve our processes to enable you, our Bank Members, to focus on patient care. So, we are changing our annual DBS compliance reminder process to be more efficient. 

Currently anyone that has worked one shift in the 6 months prior their DBS expiry date, receives an automatic renewal notification from NHS Professionals as a reminder to begin their renewal process.

Effective from 1st January 2024, we will only be sending reminder notifications to Bank Members who have worked a minimum of 3 shifts in the 6 months prior to their DBS expiry date. 

We will also be asking that all Bank Members consider using the update service (that you can subscribe to for an annual fee of £13) that will not only provide reminders, but can also offer the following benefits: 

  • Saving you time and money
  • You can take your DBS certificate from role to role (if within the same workforce, where the same type and level of check is required)
  • Employers can conduct instant online status checks on DBS certificates that are linked to your subscription
  • The service enhances safeguarding processes

We will not be sending reminders to Bank Members who have worked fewer than 3 shifts. We are aware that certain Bank Members, will continue to work the 1 shift prior to their DBS expiry date and we understand that there are various reasons why this is the case. If this applies to your shift patterns, we recommend that you subscribe to the update service for your DBS renewals going forward. You can subscribe by visiting this site.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please email and one of our team members will be happy to assist you.