Doctors Direct Partner with Doctors Direct Bankshare®
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Have You Heard Of Bankshare®?

Doctors Direct offers locums greater opportunity in working flexibly through choice of speciality, and shifts. Now through Bankshare® we offer neighbouring Trusts the option to join together and share their bank of substantively employed locums.

We know Trusts understand that Doctors like to work locum shifts for their own Trust but would also be interested in working at other surrounding Trusts. Currently, to enable a Doctor to work at another location they would be required to completed duplicate processes such as pre-employment checks and training. Bankshare® relieves these pressures from Doctors and allows them to freely work in other locations belonging to that Bankshare® membership. Bankshare® has been created to ease the time spent on lengthy recruitment and pre-employment checks and to support our clients in easing shift fill pressures.

The benefits of this for the Trust are:

  • Greater pool of locums to fill your vacant shifts
  • More opportunities for locums to work in their preferred speciality
  • No requirement for duplicate training or pre-employment checks for locums
  • Locums can be booked online for shifts at any location within the Bankshare®
  • Working in partnership with neighbouring Trusts

For more information about the benefits of Bankshare® with Doctors Direct contact us on 03330 143 652.