National Healthcare Estates and Facilities Day 2024

National Healthcare Estates and Facilities Day was on Wednesday 19th June 2024, and gave  us the opportunity to highlight and celebrate you, our Estates and Facilities Bank Members, for the tireless work you do.

To celebrate this key date, we sent bespoke pin badges to the top 10 Trusts who have the highest number of actively working Estates and Facilities Bank Members. If you received a pin badge to recognise this key date and want to share this image with us, please click here as we would love to share some of these pictures on our social channels! 

As an additional thank you to the Estates and Facilities Bank Members who have worked the most hours in the last year, we will be sent 5 chocolate hampers out to Trust teams to present to these Bank Members.

We want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all of our Estates and Facilities Bank Members for your commitment to our patients and your NHS Trust.

Thank you for all that you do - we are truly grateful.  

June 24 Estates and Facilities Day