Handmade fiddle cloths donated at Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust

Esna Lee DoncasterEsna Lee, a Client Services Partner from Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust, donated a number of hand-made fiddle cloths to the Mallard Ward at Doncaster Royal Infirmary last week.

After initially visiting the ward, Esna decided that she wanted to make something to give back to the elderly and dementia patients.

Esna said: “I thought that helping the patients will in turn help the nursing staff who don’t always have the time to sit and do activities with them. It reminded me of the fiddle cloths that my mum and her craft group made for their community outreach. My mum sent me some photos and I started knitting, crocheting, and putting the matts together.”

Thank you to Esna for such an incredibly kind gesture.